Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Research Article On Women - 810 Words

Background Women have owned and managed businesses for centuries, but the first scholarly article focused on women-owned businesses (Gartner, 1985) did not appear in the literature until 1976 (Jennings Brush, 2013). Early scholars seem to have assumed that all business owners were essentially the same, and groups of small business owners did not require different research (Achtenhagen Welter, 2011). Over the past 10 years in the United States, the rate of new business formation by women has outpaced that of men and other minority groups (Powell Eddleston, 2013). The increase in women business ownership has also increased the amount of research focused on women small business owners (Avolio, 2011). Some researchers have sought to understand why the businesses owned by women generate 25% lower profits than the average businesses in the United States (Small Business Administration [SBA], 2012). Further research focusing on how women run their businesses to increase profitability coul d support the improved profits of additional women small business owners (Marlow McAdam, 2013). Women small business owners may have motivations and decision-making processes that require distinctive financial strategies when running a business (Powell Eddleston, 2013). Women may desire a work-family balance and to obtain this balance may need distinctive financial strategies. In addition, financial decisions made by women business owners may have significant positive implications on theShow MoreRelatedRisk Factors For Mental Disorders1065 Words   |  5 PagesTrigub, C., Prince, M., Oram, S., Gorceag, V., Ostrovschi, N. (2013). Risk factors for mental disorders in women survivors of human trafficking: a historical cohort study. 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